Tuesday, April 26, 2016

my beloved #theonlybatch

we shared the same laugh, tears and smile since five years ago. 
since the first day I met you guys, I knew that this journey is not gonna be easy. 
we laughed the same laugh when we heard jokes together, 
we smiled happily and gratefully when we were told that we passed every pro exam. 
we bear the same feeling of not being able to lift our head when people laughed at our dance and songs we sang. 
we made that pokerface everytime people said none among us is married during our study when some of our juniors are already one step ahead and we are proud of that.
 everyday, we have each other because no one can truly understand us, 
even our parents, because the one that always by us everyday is us. 
because we bear the same pain when we stumbled while carrying ourselves forward to reach our destination. 
this journey gonna be tough without you, #theonlybatch. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Redha: A Review

Assalamu'alaikum =)

basically this post's title should not be a review since i am nobody to make a movie review. but there are things that i learned after i watched the movie and perhaps i can include some of my opinions regarding the movie.

courtesy of Google Image
this is a movie telling us a story about an autistic child with his in-denial father and a kind and strong mother. his mother already accept the fact that his son has 'something special' therefore tried her best to cope with her son's special ability. on the other hand her husband can't accept it until something happened (i'm not going to tell what it is) where he finally realizes the truth and being 'redha'. there are scenes that indirectly/directly criticize people's attitude towards autistic kids's behaviour when they are in public.

overall, i give 5 stars for this awesome movie. the shots are beautiful, in fact their shooting sites are correctly picked. all actors gave their all as no 'kayu' acting in this movie. most importantly, this movie brought me tears.

seeing how difficult it is to give instructions to the autistic kids, i wonder how i would be able to treat them in dental clinic if i meet this kind of patient when i'm working soon? even treating a normal child sometimes are quite challenging. thus i learned that this is another part of behavioural management that i need to master. yes i might be only a dental officer and most kids with special disability are referred to paediatric dentists, but who knows if dental officer is the one who first recognises that that child has something different through it's appearance and behaviour? i might at least help a bit even not much.

in conclusion, i love this movie. go watch it and help spread awareness regarding autism. there are many people out there that need to open their minds and stop discriminating those who are blessed with special ability.

hope you guys enjoy watching it =)

Friday, April 15, 2016


Dia kesat air mata dengan telekung yang dipakai. Sambil itu dia perhati kiri kanan, bimbang ada yang perasan dengan tingkahnya. Mujur surau tidak ramai orang, kalau tidak jenuh dia mencipta alasan bila ditanya nanti. Sengaja dia pura-pura pejam mata sambil tadah tangan, berdoa dengan khusyuk dalam hati bila ada insan lalu di sebelahnya. Setelah gelora di hatinya rasa tenang, baru kakinya punya kekuatan untuk bangun beredar.

" Hai, selamat pagi. Apa khabar?" Wanita muda dengan topeng muka tersangkut pada lehernya menyapa dengan senyum pada dia yang muncul di muka pintu. Dia angguk sahaja sambil membalas senyuman itu.

" Dah ready ke?" Wanita muda menyoal sambil topeng muka ditarik menutupi kawasan hidung dan mulutnya. Dia angguk perlahan-lahan.

" Dah makan kenyang-kenyang tadi?" soalnya lagi.
" Dah. Diorang kata first time pakai tak boleh makan so saya makan puas-puas tadi," Si wanita muda bertopeng muka tergelak kecik mendengar jawapannya. Dia menjadi tenang sedikit melihatkan wanita muda yang ramah itu. Si wanita muda menyarung tangannya dengan sarung tangan getah.

" Ok, kita start pasang ea. Kalau ada apa-apa rasa tak selesa ke bagitahu ya," Selepas ayat itu habis diucapkan, prosedur pun bermula. Dia hanya tabah menganga sepanjang prosedur dijalankan. Seingatnya, hampir sejam juga dia buka mulutnya hingga terasa lenguh pada rahangnya.

" Ok dah siap. Nah cuba tengok," Sekeping cermin muka disua padanya. Dia senyum lebar melihat imej pada cermin. Dia pandang si wanita muda yang turut tersenyum melihat pelanggan yang ceria.

" So lepas ni setiap bulan ke kena jumpa?" soalnya sambil bersiap-siap untuk balik.
" Aah tapi tu nanti kita akan confirmkan. Nanti esok kalau dah ada perubahan bolehlah bagitahu saya ya. Whatsapp gambar ke. Hari ni bolehlah ambik gambar before dulu," balas si wanita muda. Dia angguk faham.

" Oklah terima kasih banyak-banyak. Saya pergi dulu," Dia meminta diri lalu pulang dengan perasaan senang di hati.

Malam itu dia mengerang kesakitan saat mahu makan bubur. Gigi-giginya terasa ketat yang teramat, kesan ikatan dawai. Dia pujuk hatinya, beauty is pain. Sakit lagi dicerca daripada memakai alat ni, getus hatinya menguatkan semangat. Sedikit demi sedikit bubur disuap ke dalam mulut langsung ditelan kerana sedikit sentuhan pada gigi sahaja sudah membuatkan dia menjerit kesakitan, apatah lagi kalau perlu mengunyah. Hingga satu tahap sakitnya tak tertanggung, dia terus melelapkan mata dengan harapan sakit itu hilang seketika.

Dia memandang resah skrin telefon pintarnya. Dua tanda kelabu bertindihan itu belum bertukar kepada biru lagi. Dia sentuh sedikit permukaan gigi kapaknya. Dia berdesis kuat, menahan sakit saat jarinya tersentuh permukaan gigi. Dahinya berkerut. Dia cuba baring selepas menelan dua tablet putih penahan sakit. Perlahan-lahan sakitnya memudar bila matanya terpejam dan mindanya berlayar ke alam mimpi.

" kau okay?" tegur si teman. Dia angguk namun pada wajahnya terlukis riak sakit yang teramat.
" tapi macam sakit gila je kau pakai braces ni. Aku pakai jugak dulu tapi taklah sampai berminggu camni. Kau tak call doktor kau ke nak check? appointment kau bila?" soal si teman bertalu-talu.

" tak tahu. Aku whatsapp tanya bila tapi dia tak reply pun," wajah si teman berubah mendengarkan hal itu.

" weh, pergi je lah mana-mana klinik untuk emergency ni," Dia angguk sahaja. Sekarang bukan sekadar sakit yang dia rasa, beberapa batang gigi hadapan juga sudah mula terasa longgar dari soketnya.

Dia terkedu bila doktor itu mengucap panjang melihat radiograf giginya yang baru diambil sebentar tadi.

" Minta maaf ya bertanya, tapi awak buat braces ni dengan siapa?" soal doktor dengan nada serius. Dia tertunduk takut. 

" Saya jumpa dia melalui Instagram. Saya whatsapp dia lepastu dia bagi appointment untuk pasang braces," Dengan ketar dia menjawab, sambil takut-takut memandang wajah doktor. Doktor nampak hampa bila mendengar perakuannya itu.

" Hmm kenapa awak pergi dengan dia..Awak tahu tak kesan dia apa buat braces bukan dengan pakar ortodontik yang bertauliah?" soal doktor dengan lembut, dia risau dan kecewa kerana nasi sudah jadi bubur.

" Saya tahu, doktor. Saya baca pasal tu. Tapi saya tak ada duit nak buat dekat klinik. Dan saya dah tak sanggup nak tunggu lama. Saya sakit doktor, pakai braces ni. Tapi saya lagi sakit bila teringat orang panggil saya jongang," Luahnya.

Doktor terdiam mendengar jawapannya. 

Secara fizikal, dia boleh diagnose pesakit itu dengan akar gigi yang mereput akibat pemakaian braces dengan tekanan yang berlebihan, tetapi tak ada yang tahu bahawa tekanan pada hatinya yang berlebihan yang buat dia nekad mengambil keputusan sedrastik itu. 

Tekanan digelar jongang.

p/s: Kepada yang benar-benar memerlukan rawatan braces, silalah dapatkan rawatan dari pakar yang bertauliah. Harga braces memang mahal, tetapi gigi kita lebih mahal kerana sekali hilang tiada ganti. Aku faham perasaan orang yang mengalami masalah susunan gigi yang tak teratur, terutama sekali yang jongang. Kerana aku juga mengalami masalah yang sama.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

one book a month

Assalamu'alaikum =)

I love reading so much, thanks to my dad for bringing us to library since we were small besides buying me and my siblings lots of books, be it story books or books related to our academics. Well I enjoyed reading 'Buku Contoh Karangan' too when I had nothing to read haha.

Last month I received my last BB1M (insha Allah I'm graduating soon, please pray huhu). For the past 4 years, I had to put dental books as my priority thus I faced the problems of buying books from another genre. I have my scholarship but those are for my bags, tudungs and all sorts of baju and jubah as well as my food hunting. So, no portion for books and it was my biggest mistake. Never do that again, kay?

Fortunately, I've bought all dental related books that I think to be essential for me as an undergraduate so this year, I get to spend my BB1M on non dental books. Say hurray! So during Putrajaya International Book Fair, I spent more than half of my vouchers on books that have been in my mind for the past few months. Most books are in Malay, so to avoid feeling guilty for not reading English, I picked a book, with the title 'Anne Frank: The Diary of Young Girl'.

I always have this kind of problem: what book should I buy? Particularly English books. Because I'm not a fast reader and this problem get worse when the book that I read is not in my mother tongue language. I'm not so into romance but I never reject reading those kind of book. I'm more into thriller unfortunately I have problem with time and whenever I pause my reading, my interest towards the book slowly fade away. Hence whenever I came across English books, I would pick a book regarding based on true story. 

So, that's how I own this book.

Courtesy of Google Image because my phone's camera stop working since last year which I have no idea why so I had to search for the image. I learned about the author (Anne Frank) from some blogs that I visited. Because it is based on true story plus the time setting is during the war, I keen to know the story. According to reviews, this story is inspiring. I guess I made a right choice.

Can't wait to finish the book. Anyway, since I bought a lot on last book fair, I have to set my target to read at least a book in a month. My wish is to travel around the world but currently I have many limitations. In order to fulfill that, I can travel to many places at any time without any limit through reading. So, wish me luck and may I get to achieve my goal =)

For those who are interested to know the story, get your copy from your nearby bookstore. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. 

By the way, if you wish to share your favourite book, don't hesitate to drop your comment on the comment section below. Thanks for reading =)

Sunday, April 3, 2016


sila maafkan tangan hamba yang gemuk dan selalu menyebabkan typo ni
I love to put henna on my nails. Doing so would make me feel like my skin tone appear brighter (self-hypnotise) haha.

Once my friend approached me when others have left for the clinical session and asked me in her deep serious tone,

" kakpah kenapa kau pakai inai sebenarnya?"

I guess she was too curious and she might have imagined that I get married secretly without my friends knowledge.

Relax, girl. We are #theonlybatch right?

Well, I am waiting for the day where I get to apply henna on my nails happily plus feeling nervous. 

Yes, 'that' day.

Anyway, today is the asking friend's birthday =) May your life be blessed.